Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Faerie/Elf Ear Wraps

I was asked to make these for someone who had seen some and wanted some for themselves. These were a challenge! After googling some images, I sketched out my initial design. These were not as simple as I had imagined! What had I gotten myself into?!  I made a nice mess of things the first go 'round. I wasted a bit of wire and came very close to giving up...but I stuck with it. 

Coming along!

Although they were a pain in my rear and I won't be making another pair any time soon, I am tickled with the outcome. My 4 year old niece asked for a pair for Christmas. She is just going to have to wait!  It will probably be next Christmas or even the one after that, before I will be ready to take on another set of these. :)

Finally complete!

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