Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rings and Things Men Do

I am a very blessed woman. In addition to having three amazing kids, I have a wonderful man. It only took me to stop looking for the perfect one, for him to find me. I know it sounds cliché, but its the truth. :)
    Sometimes I get so busy that I don't have time to eat! Taking care of my elderly grandmother (and three kiddos) definitely takes its toll on my energy level. Many of you know that I have Fibromyalgia in addition to the Osteoarthritis and Chondromalacia in my knees. So cooking dinner for everyone is not an every night thing for me. Thank God I have Mark in my life. Although he works every day, he never complains and I don't even have to ask fo him to cook dinner. Sometimes its a three course gourmet style meal (yes! The man can seriously throw down!), and other times its something simple and quick. Like hot dogs and mac and cheese.  And if I don't feel up to eating, without fail, he always makes me a plate for when I am ready. He is so good to me!

Sometimes he goes above and beyond what I expect from him. He's great at modeling some of my jewelry also. :)

       Hehe! I thought it was cute enough to post. These are some wire wrapped rings I made before Christmas. They are sized but are adjustable as well. I gave some away as Christmas gifts to some family and got some amazing responses. 
      Here Is another ring I made awhile back. I absolutely love the way the color of the stone looks with the silver.  

Hope you Enjoy!

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